In the afternoon maghrib time runs out, the rahman is Facebook's with a girl.
Invite acquaintances at that time also was intrigued because her speech rahman fun to talk it girl.
call girl (khozainah) Oche.
soon thereafter as it says Rahman
girl if he (Rahman) want to quit Facebook because they want to play footsal. It turns out that girls would
participate will come with playing footsal, who knows what in a sense it's girl suddenly
willing to accompany rahman footsal play.
Long conversations do not get no HP rahman its Oche to pick him at his home.
after that the girl with rahman.
after that the girl felt attracted to rahman. finally she's dating with rahman.
not long before both of them (Rahman and khozainah) dating. both were in love and affection.
after that make a poem with the name rahman khozainah. the poem is dedicated to state that Rahman that he (Rahman) mean really love and affection and want to forward it to rahman level of marriage

K: fatigue disappear with the coming of yourself to me
h: the warmth you always near me
o: ohhh the beauty of yourself
z: zzzz (think) think to be with you
A: I would like asking you to marry and
i: want to marry you
n: I hope you want me
a: what power, if you reject me
h: my heart is broken
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Di atas hamparan sajadah
Bertabur bintang bertaburan diangkasa
Diriku memohon kepada diri-MU
Bersujud memohon ampunan akan segala dosaku
Disaksikan ikan ikan yang berada  di akuarium

               Alam alam bertasbih kepada-MU
               Diriku hanya bisa menangis bersimpuh dihadapan-Mu
               Merenungi segala apa yang aku lakukan selama ini
               Segala khilaf dan salahku hapuskanlah ya ALLAH
Di atas hamparan sajadah
Aku mengiba dan meminta kepada-Mu
Bebaskanlah diri ini dari kemilau dunia yang melenakan
Bukakanlah pintu ampunan-Mu bagiku
Sucikanlah aku seperti bayi yang dilahirkan dari rahim seorang shalihah 
Tenangkanlah hati ini dari segala gundah nan gelisah
Karena aku hanyalah seorang hamba Yang lemah lagi hina
Tak berarti sedikitpun di hadapan-Mu
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